Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nobody really wants to know all this stuff...

Following are some lists regarding my current gestational state (picture from 4 weeks ago, I'm way bigger now):

What is uncomfortable/annoying, from the bottom up
  1. varicose veins. Like big, looks-like-you-ran-a-piece-of-rope-down-my-leg and (ahem) other areas.
  2. Braxton-Hicks, once an hour or so

  3. heartburn, at all waking hours and no matter what I eat

  4. the pregnancy mask, all over my face, like I have major sun-damage, but it's not

  5. unexplained, daily headaches

Why I'm more excited to have this baby then any other

  1. See above list

  2. I know what I'm doing. I know what to expect and I'm really not nervous about it at all.

  3. I know, having confirmed with previous babies, how truly unexplainably awesome delivery is.
  4. I can truly appreciate what is growing inside me, what she will be and how she will bless our lives.

Names we're deciding between

  1. Faith
  2. Meg

Cool weather maternity clothes I own(in their entirety) for the 6 weeks of pregnancy I will deal with this fall

  1. 3 pairs of jeans (thanks Brigitta)
  2. 1 pair of black pants (thanks Brigitta)
  3. 2 long sleeve T-shirts (gray and brown)
  4. 1 striped sweater

**Plan on seeing me in the same stuff ALOT

Stuff I do while I'm pregnant that everyone tells you not to do

  1. Take really hot baths
  2. Eat cold cuts, soft cheese and chocolate
  3. Sleep on my back
  4. Run
  5. Lift heavy objects

Weight Gain during all my pregnancies:

Emma: 55 lbs

Gabe: 45 lbs

Jane: 32 lbs

Seth: 25 lbs (I was so cute)

Current (with 9 weeks to go): 27 lbs

Why I see a nurse-midwife

  1. Because she pays lots of attention to me.

NOT why I see a nurse-midwife

  1. Because I want to deliver at home (love hospitals)
  2. Because I do not do epidurals (love these, especially if I manage to get one more than 10 minutes before I start pushing, Gabe and Seth!)

What I say in my daily prayers:

  1. Bless that she will be healthy and strong
  2. Help me to know if this the last one. (PLEASE?)

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