Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Post

This week I have felt worried about extended family, stressed and angry and scared about the economic crisis, bugged and overwhelmed at the difficulty that is All-Day Mothering, uncomfortable and hormonal during this last month of pregnancy.

And, juxtaposed against these negative feelings, I've felt edified and inspired. I thought I'd leave a list:

Things that have lifted me lately

1. The Book of Mormon. I am reading 3 Nephi right now and am simply amazed at the correlation between those chapters and times and the time we are living in now. But instead of feeling scared and confused, I am reassured by the Spirit as I read, that we will be okay. Nephi and Gidgiddoni were prophets who clearly told the people in Book of Mormon times how they could be safe. The people who followed them were safe. We, too, have prophets who speak with our Heavenly Father and receive clear directions on how we can achieve safety (physical, family, financial, spiritual) in troubled times. I have felt much peace as I have read the scriptures this week.

2. The blog written by CJane. Many bloggers out there know about the CJane/Stephanie and Christian situation, but if you don't, please take the time to find out. Stephanie and her husband, parents of 4 children, were severely burned in a plane crash. They have been in medically induced comas for 6 weeks and she is still in critical condition. Her sister, Courtney (or Cjane) has been chronicling their situation on her blog. It is the first post I look for in the morning, and I never read a post that doesn't give me joy and fill me with the Spirit as she testifies of joy in trials, the Plan of Salvation, the blessings of Charity and the pure Love of Christ.

3. A baby in my tummy. Don't get me wrong. I whine constantly. But I am so grateful I get to have this sweet baby. I'm grateful I get to feel the sweet connection to Heaven during childbirth and the newborn stage. I'm grateful that I get one more child to learn from and laugh at and love. I know she will bless our family and I'm giddy with anticipation to watch how she will do that. Heavenly Father is so good to allow us to live and love in families and I'm thrilled to do it again.

4. Kenneth Cope's song Come to Jesus. I just had it returned from a friend and have been listening to it again. It is a profound and joyful reminder that we should and can turn to the Savior during all of life experiences: sin, joy, heartache, confusion. It is my testimony in song.

5. Elder Uchtdorf's talk during the Women's broadcast last night. I loved his connection between creation (our taking nothing and making something) and service and true, Godly happiness. It was inspiring and timely for me.

What has lifted you lately?

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