Monday, June 20, 2011

Google on Display Ads

Two days ago, there was a blog post from Neal Mohan, vicepresident od Display Advertising from Google with the title There’s a perfect ad for everyone

Who is this man and what did he say?

For the second answer, this is Google and in my opinion they are launching one of the biggest campaigns of the year with Watch This Space. Everyone of us has seen it even on print. It´s not a prize winning campaign but its omnipresent.

Some time ago Google was too centered on AdSense and others. So, what would happen if the bigger advertiser would jump on Richmedia display ads? Well they first bought Double Click Studio and then began to work. In fact that´s a good idea, to have an agency making formats for your publisher page, even more if all people are saying again and again that video is going to take the web. Yes I´m talking about YouTube...

So they became one more of the richmedia publishers you should follow, with MSN, Yahoo and AOL.

First question: What did he say?

1 -The number of display ad impressions will decrease by 25 percent per person. I don´t believe so. It´s like saying they will remove Ads from tv. no sense.

2- Engagement rates across all display ads will increase by 50 percent.
Well, I understand video comes strong although maybe not that amount. How do you measure engage? I remember, there was a mobile phone from Nokia, called Nokia NGage. It was for gaming, enjoying time. So now it will be video, hope better than pre-roll.

3- People will have a direct say in 25 percent of the ads they see. This is related to Cookies. In fact there´s a new law coming, at least in Europe, I don´t believe it will change a lot.

4- 35 percent of campaigns will primarily use metrics beyond clicks and conversions. That´s logic. Richmedia and video bring new metrics against CTR. Anytime you want your customer to be engaged you can give him a lot of metrics.

5- 25 billion ads per day will tell people why they are seeing them. You can also ask Steve Jobs what does he thinks about cookies and his iAd. Also Zuckerberg, I look forward to seeing the day when display ads go to Social Media king (FB).

6- Over 40 percent of online Americans will name display ads as their favorite ad format. The other 60% must be watching the superbowl Ads video.

Well, we don´t have the data that Google has but same intuitions had already been said

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