Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday Summary

Though she looks lovely here, Emma wasn't quite so appealing Friday night as she barfed from 9:00-3:00 a.m. We're proud to report total adherence to Barf Training. Way to go, Emma! She worked hard all week, helping mom with Christmas cards, to earn money for the sibling gift exchange. Totally willing. Really. I didn't have to keep reminding her five times a day that she had only $2 and that her recipient would appreciate more than a candy bar. I promise.

Here's Gabe, our returning winner of the Worst Idea of the Night award from Wednesday. After a friend podiatrist and a trip to the urgent care, we have been assured he doesn't need an X-Ray, because nothing is broken. He hopped on one foot for two days, while playing football and dart tag with the neighbor boys...Emma simply transported him long distances in the wagon and then he hopped out (and around) until it was time to move to the next location. Yesterday we were relieved when he started using BOTH feet.

Jane did NOT receive a passing grade from the Barf Training Personnel, during her stint with the stomach flu. We forgave her...until the she admitted the reason she had so much money (when it came time to shop for previously mentioned gifts) was "Oh, I stole it." Good luck with Santa, missy.

Seth is our only un-injured, un-barfy family member. So that means he'll be sick tomorrow night during all the festivities. Yay. He's been LOVING his Grandma Dorrie and Aunt's arrival and basically runs tattling to Grandma when Mom or Dad are "mean a him."

Ryan and Jessica continued to enjoy marital bliss during Twelve Days 8 (8 hours taken off from work on Thursday), 9 (9-point massage), and 10 (10 point van longer the smelly mess mentioned in the last post, at least for a few days). It (the marital bliss) was slightly discontinued during the annual fight that starts about whatever and ends up being about Ryan being stressed about the money draining from our bank account like it's a sieve. I promised to take all of his presents back. Jessica sang in 2 Christmas cantatas and Ryan actually worked normal hours, so all in all it was a great week.

Merry Christmas, from our crazy crew!

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