Sunday, July 24, 2011

How to interview like a top MBA #Book Summary#6


Poor Grades in a few Classes (Case)
Yes, my GPA was low during my first two years of college. At that time, I was adjusting to the new college environment and trying to learn to balance the demands of my schoolwork with my part-time job.But i was not one to give up prematurely. I was determined to make the adjustment and develop the skills and time management abilities that could enable me to eventually excel in college. Once i became more adjusted to the new environment and challenges, i focused my energies , and my grades improved dramatically. In my last two years, you will note that earned a B+ average in the advanced courses I was taking, and i also began to distinguish myself in campus politics. My classmates elected me to the student government, which was a tremendous honor. I am hoping that you will note how much my grades improved in last two years and that you will see the notable improvement in my overall record during those last years as signs of my determination to meet and overcome challenges. My last two years in college are much more accurate indicators of my future success than the first two years were.

Consider next the situation of Sarah, who was unfocused throughout her entire college career.

Yes, my GPA is low. Unfortunately, when i attended college, I was not very focused on my studies. I viewed college as a time to explore different ideas and interests. I became involved  in many clubs and made significant contributions to several , including one involved with the homeless. It was only after I left college and entered the work world that i realized i had made such a mistake in neglecting my studies. Once I found a job that captured my interests, I focused mu energies and excelled. I am hoping that you will therefore consider my record since college, which reflects much more accurately my commitment and helping our client base to grow. My reviews have been excellent, and i was promoted just last year.

Poor Standardized-Test Results(Case)

Yes, my standardized-test score is low. This is not an indication of my lack of motivation or my lack of preparation for the exam. I spent months preparing, but I have  never been a strong standardized test taker. Luckily, my inability to score well on such exams did not deter me from gaining admission to an excellent college, and you can see how I distinguised myself in college with a high GPA. I hope that you can feel assured of my ability to handle quantitative tasks, given my performance at my last job, which included working with financial statements and complex data sets, my performance ratings were always in the highest category also, which indicates that I mastered the key quantitative skills needed.

Disciplinary  Issues(Case)

The biggest mistake I have made in my life was engagin in dishonest behavior on that exam. It was foolish, and there is no excuse for it. During the year i was away from college as a result of that choice, I took the time
to really do some thinking about my values, my ambitions, and how i would need to change in order to do something meaningful with my talents. During that year, i began to mentor young people who were having difficulty . i found it rewarding be able to share my experiences--positive and negative--- in ways that could help others avoid the mistake I made in college. I have continued that work, and I intend to continue it in the future.

When I returned to school the next year, i  felt like a new person. I went to the professor whose class i was in when i made my mistake, and i apologized. He was impressed with my turnaround and even allowed me to reenroll in his class. I received a strong grade, as you can see. After returning to school , my grades were high.This experience turned out to be a wonderful opportunity to learn and change, and I carry with me the strong ethical values that have enabled me to succeed since that time.

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